They're Baaaaaack

11/29/2014 The Blue Stocking 1 Comments

I hope you have all had a wonderful Thanksgiving devoid of questions like "where's your special someone," and "are you being too picky?" We all deserve at least one day off from those shenanigans. 

My Thanksgiving weekend has been odd indeed for it seems to have stirred up my ex’s with thoughts of “Blue’s not the worst option, maybe we should give it another go.” Perhaps the thoughts were brought on by their relatives ever questioning why they can't find a spouse. All I really know, is that desperation is in the air and they’re making their way down the list of girls they dated that are still single. And, as we all know, I am most definitely still single. The count of ex's that have reached out to me in the past two weeks is up to four and I dread what December will bring. Here’s the breakdown.

The RM: For those of you who have been with us for a while, perhaps you’ll remember the RM. The guy I met freshman year who thought it wise to spout his love for me to anyone and everyone who would listen. The same guy who asked me out the day he got off his mission and thought stalking was the equivalent of wooing. The RM and I have grown distant in our later years mostly due to the fact he got married. Earlier this month I got a text from him reminiscing over my letters I wrote him on his mission. Let it be known they were of the platonic variety. It seems the RM was going through a divorce and wanted to take me on a walk down memory lane.

I found it prevalent to stop texting him back.

Smitie: Ah yes Smittie. He was back. I really shouldn’t have been shocked. Just because he ignores me for months does not mean a date isn’t on the horizon. I blame myself mostly. I had avoided being upfront about my desire to never be alone with him again. This time when he asked me out I let him know I would like to remain just friends.

He never responded.  

Calvin: Ever since we dated last winter Calvin and I have remained close friends. A friendship I have valued and strived to maintain. Last week I was at dinner with several of my close guy friends when one of them, Trevor, asked if I had a boyfriend. When I said no Trevor proposed that we just get married. We teasingly planned our wedding of convenience. The next day Calvin asked if my pretend fiancé had taken me off the market. What I believed was simple bantering, turned out to be a date in the making and he has continued to ask me out since. Two other guys who were around for that dinner have since asked me out as well. I guess you truly can’t have guy friends.

James: I had given up on ever hearing from James again. After all he had spent the summer treating me like I was the shmutziest of all shmutzes. Which explains why I was taken aback to find a message on my phone asking me if we could end the awkwardness between us. A ceasefire if you will. Under the white flag, we’ve seemed to have picked up where we left off in March. We text every day and he calls me at night. To add to the fun that is the James situation, he actually dated my close friend in July. It did not end well.

The RM and Smitie has basically been taken care of, but I don’t know what to do about the Calvin/James situation. I feel terrible about things with Calvin. Have I been leading him on? Should I have kept my distance? But more than that what can I do now, surely this doesn’t mean it’s necessary to have “the talk” does it?? When it comes to James I’m at a loss. I don’t know. James persistently wants to know about me which is incredibly addicting. And he’s got that whole mysterious handsome stranger vibe to him.

What I really need is someone to take over and make all of my dating decisions for me. 

-The Bluestocking


All the right guys in all the weird places.

11/22/2014 The Lady 5 Comments

I first set eyes on The Mountain Man the first Sunday of the semester. Two words: ginger beard. Sign me up. 

Name: The Mountain Man
Height: 6'2"
Hair Color: sandy brown
Beard Color: a perfect rusty red
Eye Color: the sea after a storm
Age: 29
Education: PhD in Geology
Enjoys: Climbing Rocks, Jurassic Park, Just Dance

Needless to say, I was smitten. 

I began to get to know The Mountain Man at various activities (spelunking in caves, Just Dance parties, bonfires, all that jazz) and we just hit it off. But we hit it off as good pals, which suited me just fine. It never hurts to have a good guy friend, suffice it to say a devilishly attractive one. 

So tonight, The Mountain Man and I went out on a "friend date" to watch The Hunger Games, which of course was a great time (as great a time as death and destruction can be of course). On our walk home, we had a bit of heart-to-heart about our dating lives. He teased me mercilessly for "snogging" The Younger Man, and I in return made light of his perpetually single state. Which took a quick and unexpected turn for the serious. 

The Mountain Man admitted to being in a "weird place." A speech which I am becoming all too familiar with. It is not my place to divulge what sort of weird place The Mountain Man is in, but the weird place claim frustrates me beyond belief. The Mountain Man is in a weird place, The Counselor is in a weird place, Clive once admitted to being in a weird place, and The Younger Man is the definition of a weird place. What is happening to all the men? If all the available and good men are in weird places, what are us girls supposed to do? Do we wait for them to move on from the weird place, or is the weird place permanent? 

Perhaps I am all too selfish, but I do not find the weird place to be very fair. 

Con Amor, 
The Lady


C'est la vie.

11/16/2014 The Lady 0 Comments

Perhaps sometimes it is just fine to be surprised. Sometimes it just might be nice that you actually like the guy you randomly made out with. And sometimes, just maybe it is okay that he is a little younger than you.  

The morning after the Halloween Hiccup, The Younger Man began texting and calling me regularly. We talk about books and film and poetry and musicals, and I am only slightly ashamed to admit that it is kind of great.

To be honest, I was hoping to remain detached and aloof with regards to this situation because in general I find myself becoming enthralled with men all too quickly. But as fate would have it, the love bug has crawled right back up and bit me, and I'm back. "Can't help it, the girl can't help it." 

C'est la vie. For now that is all I can say. 

The Lady


Blue's Fall Adventures: September

11/12/2014 The Blue Stocking 1 Comments

September started with a bang. Hucy was over. Yes the romance of the century ended after only a month of lovin. Lucy Steele removed all traces of Henry’s existence on her FB wall and replaced him with a dramatic breakup post. Her wall then became a stream of inspiration quotes running all day every day. 

I really tried to not take pleasure from it. I really did.

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To be honest, I spent the majority of August and September exploring different countries and visiting friends so the drama of the spring seemed distant. AND just in case you think me rather awful for treating Lucy so, I'm happy to report she has moved on and is currently in a serious relationship once more. Girl knows how to get things done. 

Ok back to me, other than the Hucy breakup September was defined by Grant. This was the month I decided I would not date Grant…and then I decided kissing his face would be oh so pleasant…and then I decided we should just be friends…and then I decided we would make a fantastic couple.   

September was also when I realized how fickle I could be.  

Finally, I jumped in. I accepted his invites and he found more reasons to see me. One of my favorite reasons involved my nightly dinner. Grant would ask what I was eating and then he would come by to try it.  This was normal enough except for the fact chocolate makes up 86% of my diet and he detests chocolate. The poor boy would come over to consume the thing he hates and I would watch knowing the pain it caused. 

And we were committed to this ridiculous ruse.

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I don’t know if you caught this from that story, but neither of us had overtly expressed interested. There were no declarations of like; instead, we made nightly trips around the corner to curl up to The Office and talk into the late A.M.

I didn’t sleep for a month and I regretted nothing.

My main concern was even though I spent most of my nights talking with Grant we never went on a second date and any plans made were of the last minute variety. Which was rather confusing especially when situations like this would arise:

Grant was showing me something on his phone when a notification for Meetinghouse (a Mormon dating site) came up. He asked me if I had ever tried it and when I said no he responded, “you gotta get on it girl.”

In his defense, he could have just panicked, buuuuut guys who like you shouldn’t recommend dating sites to you, right? I mean, I’m not an expert, but it seems pretty basic to not pawn your crushes off to strangers.

-The Bluestocking


Blue’s Fall Adventures: August Part II

11/09/2014 The Blue Stocking 2 Comments

With the changing of leaves came the changing of men.

Sam: The first of the month Sam was packing to leave for law school and we had yet to talk about how this affected us. A week before school started we grabbed sketchy burritos and drove around town comparing our book collections. It seemed this would be another night of pleasantries devoid of reality.

After hours of debating the importance of fairy tales, we arrived at my house. I could feel us talking around the issue of his departure, but I dreaded pulling it up and I believe he did as well. Finally, it had gotten late and I, being the sort who needs as much sleep as possible, said farewell and opened my door to leave. His reply was, “Blue, I’m leaving.” I laughed at his dramatic exclamation, sat back in the car, and replied, “Sam, I know.” He explained that his leaving had made it hard to devote himself to us and while our summer had been fun, he didn’t see it going any further.  

It was truly a relief to hear that we were both feeling the same thing. Sam was a great guy, but he wasn’t the guy for me and I wasn’t the girl for him. What followed the easiest DTR in Bluestocking history was a hilarious exchange of dating stories. We laughed and teased and when he left I felt at peace.

Henry: The last time I saw Henry was right in the middle of his love affair with Lucy Steele. I had the great pleasure of walking late into Sunday school late only to realize Henry was teaching. The class silently turned to watch me stumble through the door.  In true Blue fashion I turned to the erect Henry and said “well are you going to teach or just stand there.” He laughed we continued to share pleasantries and I took a seat.

We made eye contact throughout the lesson and after he joined me for a catch up session. Now Henry and I are friends… and Lucy and I are keeping a friendly distance.

Grant: After our date in July there had been no tangible difference in our relationship, but something had shifted. I notice him more. I guess that’s a good thing? I couldn’t help but wish I had feelings about the situation, but ever since Henry I felt numb. Not hurt or broken, just icy and exhausted.

The thing is I should like Grant. Grant is one of the most genuine guys I’ve met. He’s the type of guy who owns his own house and decorates it with classy paintings of the temple. He’s the type of guy who watches How to Train Your Dragon and audible gasps “if anything happens to that dragon, so help me.” He’s the type of guy who composes a guitar solo so elegant and on point it makes you consider being a twity fan-girl. He’s the type of guy who asks and listens and the more I know about him the more I kick myself for not seeing him sooner.

Even knowing all of this I could feel myself holding back. Grant spent the month inviting me to his house and asking about my Friday night plans and I avoided it. All of it. 

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I truly don't know what's wrong with me

-The Bluestocking


The opposite of love.

11/07/2014 The Lady 2 Comments

Just for a moment, let us put The Younger Man on the back burner and focus on The Counselor. 

Our world often makes me feel that I should apologize about the fact that I actually do want to get married, and that I should apologize for having strong feelings towards men. "I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not in my nature" ( Northanger Abbey). I feel strongly about people and have very rarely felt the unnerving twinge of indifference. I either like a person or I do not. And if I like a person, I generally like them greatly. This applies as much to my daily life as it does to my love life. Some see this as one of my greatest faults, and to be certain it has brought me some grief in my day, but I much prefer my strong feelings to those of a simple indifference. 

But in the case with The Counselor, I allowed my own strong feelings to blind me towards his obvious indifference. Read the signs, Lady. Read the signs. 

 I imagined that after this summer of EFY, The Counselor and I would return to school and have a whirlwind fall romance. And maybe, just maybe, we would fall in love, graduate our respective grad programs next spring, get married, and be the powerhouse couple I always imagined. This wouldn't be the first time that my active imagination led me astray. 

All I really wanted was for The Counselor to buck up, be a man, and court me as I thought I deserved. Or at least to tell me to beat it if it really was not something he wanted. When that failed to happen as I had imagined, I was given piece of advice after piece of advice from numerous friends, family members, fellow EFY counselors, and even a beloved former BYU professor who exhorted me to be bold. I can be flirtatious, but such boldness scares me to death. It is blunt and unflinching where my flirtatious nature is flighty and anything but honest. 

Nevertheless, I knew The Counselor would not give me the satisfaction of an answer unless I was direct (at least not anytime in the near future). Following one of our regular hours-long conversations, I got up the nerve to tell The Counselor how I really felt. Of course he wasn't oblivious to the fact that I had been deeply interested in him for the past eight months, but all he could say was "I don't know." For an hour. All I got was "I don't know." He hemmed and hawed and told me he wasn't good enough for me, and that he wouldn't make me happy, but that he couldn't fathom not having me in his life. The bottom line was "I don't know," but I would rather have a certain "no."

Because I feel so deeply about people, I cannot easily let them go. But I am determined to move on from this. I cannot bide indifference, and I should have recognized that sooner. The Counselor and I may be able to talk for hours on end about any subject, we may have a lot in common, I may find his stupid sweater vests adorable, but if he can't feel about me strongly, I cannot force that or pretend that that is okay. I want more than indifference. So much more. 

Con Amor, 
The Lady


Blue's Fall Adventures: August

11/04/2014 The Blue Stocking 4 Comments

I’m back with stories to tell. It’s taken me a while to put the past months dating adventures to print, but get ready to vicariously live through my painful and awkward fall.

When we left off I was going on dates with Sam and he was gearing up for law school. Henry and Lucy Steele decided to make their love known through the infamous FB official made-for-each-other relationship post after only a month of dating. Some may say that’s jumping the gun...and they would be correct.

I finally had to stop following Lucy’s FB posts which consist mainly of love poems.

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Back to Sam and me: things with us were great and by that I mean I wasn’t a sleep deprived skeleton. A rarity when it comes to guys and me. And by rarity I mean it’s a bad sign because if I’m pigging out on food and sleeping 9 hours a night it usually means I don’t like the guy. It’s not an ideal barometer, but it’s all I have.

While I was trying to figure out my next move with Sam, things got a lot more interesting. Grant asked me out. Grant the guy I had been buddy buddy with all summer who was also buddy buddy with Sam.

In all the months spent with Grant, I never thought about dating him. At all. This has little to do with him and more about me being oblivious. Our date was a short jaunt to a local restaurant. We ate, we laughed, and then we went home. I can’t stress enough how brevity on a first date can fuel the desire for future encounters. An especially fun part of the night was when Grant asked if I knew Sam. Apparently, they were in a band together and he’s bummed Sam hits the road in a week.

Smile and nod people, smile and nod. 
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Does anyone else feel like I randomly met members of the same group of guy friends and dated all of them for the past couple months? At some point they’re going to get together and realize they all wooed the same girl summer 2014. Hopefully, I won’t be in the room when they do.

Also Grant’s in law school. I swear I don’t try to date only lawyers. I can’t decide if they’re my type or if I’m theirs? Does anyone else only find themselves dating in the same professional pool of guys?

-The Bluestocking


Halloween Hiccup

11/01/2014 The Lady 1 Comments

Once upon a time, a not-so-young but still so naive Lady found herself in a predicament on a chilly Halloween night. She had contented herself to dance as she pleased at a party with a large group of friends, and went home quite satisfied. Now clad in a baggy university sweatshirt, leggings, and long socks, she removed the thick, garish makeup from her eyes and curled up on the couch with a mug of apple cider. With only the hopes of watching Hocus Pocus to successfully end the night, she never could have anticipated the sly advances of The Younger Man. As the man was four years her younger, The Lady thought nothing of it when he planted himself closely next to her on the couch rather than sitting on the opposite end. 

Hocus Pocus was still in the throes of the rising action when all other occupants of the living room fell fast asleep, leaving The Lady and The Younger Man alone in consciousness. The Younger Man did not wait long to put his arm around The Lady, and being much too tired to care and hardly prudish (or wise), The Lady was content to rest her head upon his shoulder. The Younger Man took advantage of the low lights to kiss The Lady who for some reason did not mind.  

And that's how The Lady became entangled (metaphorically speaking of course) with her roommate's younger brother. 

What has become of reform?

Con Amor, 
The Lady