voyeuristic admiration

1/29/2013 The Romantic 3 Comments

Do you remember when I termed the phrase "creeper lovin'"?

I was describing the definition to my RS president the other night, and somehow the phrase voyeuristic admiration popped up.

I liked it, so I decided to share. Much more sophisticated right?

Speaking of creeper lovin', I'm full out creeper lovin' on someone in my ward. Yes dear readers, I have moved past the crease, crinkle, and crush stages to full out creeper lovin'.

Who is this fellow, you may ask.

Weeeelll, here's the thing. He's in a band (typical, right?). And they've actually got a pretty big following. Such a big following that I bought some of their music on itunes before I left on my mission.

We spent awhile talking at the first FHE, but I'm afraid I might have made him a little bit nervous when I didn't exactly hide how ecstatic I was on hearing that he's a drummer for one of my favorite local bands. Since then he's come to my Sunday School class a couple of times. But I was never really certain he remembered my name. Which is something I think you need to know in order to get married and have lots of musically talented babies, so I quickly let the dream die.

But then a couple weeks ago he showed up to ward prayer! An unheard of event! And then he came to ward desert night right after where we talked for awhile more.

I decided then, intimidating pocket square be darned (for the sake of a more appealing rhetoric, sometimes I wish I could swear).

So during munch and mingle on Sunday, I talked to him some more. And I arranged for our houses to have breakfast together. During the time we chatted about the delicious waffles we would make at our collabrative breakfast, Pacha pipped in saying he had a scrumptious crepe recipe.

"Well, you aren't invited to our breakfast," The Drummer said this jokingly. But it was serious....

So although I'm trying not to allow myself to hope, over-analyze, or get too excited, I am currently doing all three.

But if only I end up friends with the guy, that's ok with me.

-the Romantic

ps. I saw this pillow on pinterest....

But seriously! 

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Anonymous said...

What's up with the Closer these days?

Anonymous said...

ditto, anonymous! i'd love an update on everyone. :)

i need that pillow! haha