Who's your inner Jane Austen?

10/25/2013 The Lady 7 Comments

According to this "very credible" quiz, my inner Jane Austen heroine is MARIANNE DASHWOOD.
And really are we surprised at all?

"Can he love her? Can the soul really be satisfied with such polite affections? To love is to burn--to be on fire, like Juliet or Guinevere or Eloise."

Who is your Jane Austen twin?

Con Amor,
The Lady


Hypothetically speaking.

10/18/2013 The Lady 1 Comments

“You will allow...that man has the advantage of choice, woman only the power of refusal..." -Northanger Abbey 

Every so often, a charming man will step into your life. Perhaps you will have the same office hours, and he will make it a point to stop by and talk to you despite how much work he might have to do. And you will so wholeheartedly love these conversations that you will momentarily forget about all the work you have to do. And maybe when he makes jokes in class (which he will do often), he will look your way to see if you're laughing too (which you will be). It could be that he will call you by your last name which makes you feel like he really knows you and that the two of you could be a detective team or something of that sort. You might come to find that this man is the best person you know in this new and wild town where you live, and you'll love every chance you have to talk to him. 

But as the case so often goes, there will more than likely be a snag in your friendship/relationship with this man. The case may be that he's not a member, and no matter if he joins the Church or not, you know that nothing will ever come of it. Because it's just one of those things that you know. 

And maybe there will be another man, who is a member and who you were previously interested in, but you quite recently made a firm decision against the crush for sanity's sake. And maybe somehow now that you've decided against liking him, he might be beginning to pay attention to you. He may be brushing aside the other girls who normally swarm about him, but now you couldn't care less. 

There may be times when nothing happens with the timing you would like. 

Con Amor, 
The Lady 


Out with the Old?

10/13/2013 The Lady 1 Comments

“A good-looking girl, with an affectionate heart and a very ignorant mind, cannot fail of attracting a clever young man, unless circumstances are very untoward.” -Northanger Abbey

As I sat and listened to The Girth's Sunday School lesson today, I quickly came to realize that The Girth could possibly be the farthest thing I could want in a husband. Or a boyfriend. Or even a fling. The Girth, though wonderfully girthy, is also quite . . . there is no way to put this delicately: thick. And I mean it in the best way possible. I think? I am sure he is a skilled accounting student (or whatever), but my word, it seemed as though every word that came out of his mouth could somehow be an insult to someone in the room. It was one of the most uncomfortable Sunday School lessons I have ever had to sit through. 

It all has been very untoward. 

Perhaps my problem is that I compare every man I meet with other men, other BYU men, other men such as Clive. Okay, not even other men. Just Clive. Clive has become the standard I hold every man to, and I am not sure it is the best thing to be doing. It's just every time I talk to Clive (which occurs every so often), I am reminded of why I liked him so much. We have the same interests, the same passions, he is ambitious, good and kind,  and has such a good sense of humor. He is everything I could ever want. Everyone else just seems so sub par. 

This may be an issue.

Con Amor, 

The Lady