Memo to self: never read Jane Eyre before bed

11/30/2010 The Romantic 0 Comments

As I journeyed to the great Idaho wilderness for Thanksgiving break, I was left with two choices: homework, or reading a novel (for fun!). I brought my homework with me, but unfortunately, my back pack remained safely zipped in my roomie's bedroom whilst jane eyre called out to me from her book shelf.

The choice was easy. Jane Eyre it was.

Living my romantic life vicariously through novels is so much the better choice than dating these days...or at least less awkward.

I viciously poured over the book for three days. Our departure loomed before us the next morning. Back to Provo, and back to above zero degree weather. I curled up in bed with the covers all around, determined to finish the tale of Jane and Mr. Rochester. But alas, I turned in with a mere 50 pages left. Right at the point where Mr. Rochester calls for Jane miles and miles away.

That is the scene that I fell asleep to.

And then I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend. "I will always need you" he said in my dream.

That is why we will not read Jane Eyre before bed again. For it never bodes well in the heart break department. I identify far too well the title character.

Well enough with the dramatics... back to studying!

(Although, I'm sure my posts will be quite numerous this week as I 'prepare'/procrastinate finals studying)

-The Romantic

ps. for your viewing pleasure next march



11/17/2010 The Romantic 5 Comments

No sparks, no fireworks. Nothing. Not even dislike or loathing reared their ugly faces. But at least that would have been something.

Bland... That pretty much sums up the date I had last Saturday.

Sad to say, the most exciting part was getting ready. I even curled my hair and borrowed some of my room mates "seductive spray" as she fondly calls it. And then I opened the door, and saw that I was over dressed. Well, not over dressed for the activity, but overdressed comparatively.

My friend texted me when I got home, asking me how it was. The only word to describe it was alright. I felt pretty apathetic about the whole thing. Which makes me feel a little bad.

Everything was executed the way it was supposed to be. Doors were opened, a stop at Cocoa Bean was made, everything was planned to a T. The night was neither too long, nor too short. But there was just something so boring about it all.

I think that sometimes BYU boy is an 80 year old man trapped inside a 21 year old body. I guess my back-up plan of marrying a rich 80 year man so I can inherit all of is money is out of the question. I realize now that I would die first. Of sheer boredom.

Perhaps this weekend will reward my hard work of tests and finals with something a little bit more exciting.
Until then,
-the Romantic


This has to be some sort of fluke or something

11/11/2010 The Romantic 2 Comments

I have a confession to make. I don't really date all that often.


I know, shocking isn't it? How is it that I write on a dating blog then? I suppose it stems from the fact that I have a fantastical amounts of romantical ideals. And also, I seem to always have the strangest experiences with men.

I was recounting some of my favorite boy stories with a friend of mine the other night. Here's just a little taste:
-There was one boy, recently returned from his mission that my room mate liked. He did not like her back the same way. But he and I became very close. In fact, one night we cuddled. And my roomie was there, we thought she had been asleep. We thought we'd made sure. We called her name, told her to wake up. We really thought she'd been asleep. But she wasn't. Oh no she was not indeed. I found out later that she'd been pretending, and eavesdropping on everything we'd been talking about. And then we found out the boy had a semi-girlfriend at BYU-H anyway. So who he liked in Provo was moot point...It was perhaps the biggest drama of my entire life.

-Right before I left on my study abroad, my ex-boyfriend went crazy with grief that I was leaving, and drew me on his car... CREEEEEPY. I never saw it, I only heard about it while on my semester abroad. After I came back and he was dating someone else, I confronted him about it. But he said that it was in fact not me but just a "representational figure". Ha! My friends and I saw his car one day. The "representational figure" was scrubbed off. If it wasn't me, then why scrub it off?

-I scratched my cornea once. It happened to be while I was "watching" sound of music with my boyfriend at the time. i promise i wasn't being scandalous. but really, how does one scratch their cornea when kissing?? i still am not sure to this day.

This is just a small piece of what I go through with men. Best Friend Guy (who just got engaged on saturday, insert tears of sorrow here) thinks I should start having cameras follow me around, just so people see that I'm not making this stuff up, nor do I bring it upon myself. I just seem to attract the crazies.

So this semester, I've gone on a grand total of five dates! WHOO!

I think that's more than the rest of my years at BYU combined.

And one of my FHE brothers asked me out for Saturday! I think this really must be some sort of fluke. I've been going on dates with semi-normal people, and actually having fun! Saturday night, BYU boy (he is the biggest psycho fan of byu that you will ever meet) and I are going to the choir concert. Which is really nice, because I've mentioned how much I like the arts, and not sports. It shows thought. Although I will go to sporting events. I am a cougar after all.

It makes me wonder what I'm doing differently this semester, besides asking strange men for their number on the freeway of course.

It has to be some sort of fluke.


What sort of mess have we gotten oursevles into this time?

11/05/2010 The Romantic 0 Comments

Remember how I went out with the boy I met on the freeway?

I guess I failed to mention that there was another car boy. A funnier/cuter one. Well after the first car boy added me on facebook, so did car boy 2, who happens to be car boy 1's room mate.

Well one thing leads to another, and Car Boy 2 and I end up going out for ice cream Tuesday night. And I felt like a bit of a floozy. Because I don't think car boy 1 knows we went out. Which wouldn't be a super big deal I guess. Except I think he had a good time on our date, and when he stopped by today to pick up the all sports pass I borrowed last weekend, he gave me a hug goodbye. And I don't think he's one of those hugger types. Originally, he raised his hand for a high five, but then just switched to both arms wide open... awkward awkward awkward

But I think I could like car boy 2!! It was the first date I've been on this semester where I haven't thought, "Oh hey this is fun. But I wish I was here with Sweater Guy". So that's good right? I think he had a good time. He mentioned wanting to hang out again. And we have texted a bit this week. I invited him to a bonfire tonight. But he's out of town this weekend.

On another note: We will title this "Coincidence or not?" (It's like getting two blog posts for the price of one!!!)
Sweater Guy's best friend emails me on Sunday to see how I'm doing. It was kind of random. But not completely out of character. We were close-ish. But since we're not in the same social group anymore, I haven't talked to him in over a month. I answer back with the usuals. I tell I still miss Sweater Guy but that I'm doing ok. And even dating people. And then mysteriously, the next morning, I awaken to three missed calls. All in a row. All from a blocked number.
1:05 am. 1:06. 1:07 am. No Messages.

Of course I didn't answer because I was asleep. My suspicion is that they were from Sweater Guy. And I don't know why he would call me, except that the next day was the Sufjan Stevens concert. Which we were supposed to attend together. And maybe he missed me... Later in the week he messages me on facebook. This message is just a link about lil wayne getting out of prison. Lil Wayne was a little inside joke we had when we first started dating. I don't know what he's up to these days. He could already be dating someone else. Which is whatever.

Are all these events connected? Or is it just my over active imagination?
But even if they weren't, I was still upset at his popping back into my life without any explanation. Last time we talked he hung up the phone on me because it's too painful to be my friend. Which kind of felt like someone ripping my heart from my chest and beating it with a mallet. So is he saying he's ready to be friends? Because I'm not really sure a) I want to be his friend and b) maybe it's still too painful for me too.

Well that's all folks. I need to go mull this mess over.... Have a pleasant date night!

-the Romantic