Just a Note

5/25/2014 The Charmer 1 Comments

I am attempting to squeeze in a post before I head off on the wild adventure that is going to be my summer!

Tonight, I'm back in my beloved Provo! Ah, it feels good to be back. I think it will always feel like home to me. Tomorrow I get to sport a lovely red EFY counselor polo and start following kids around campus. I actually ran into The Lady a couple times already, which was fun. Who knows, maybe I ran into some of our readers as well? 

I feel like I should at least update you a little bit on some of the more recent occurrences in my love life because yes, there have been a few. Hopefully I'll get to squeeze a few posts in with these little incidents.

First off, though, someone asked whatever happened to Ace, my crush of a few summers ago? Honestly....I  don't know! We'd been messaging back and forth, things were lovely....and then all of a sudden, we just stopped talking. I think I was the last one to send him a message and he just never wrote back. Maybe he started dating someone, maybe he got busy with work, who knows. I really should shoot him another message and see how he's doing. He is an AWESOME guy.

Oh my, I really am quite exhausted. I started to write about one of the many humorous incidents in my love life but my brain started to turn off. Looks like it's bed time.

BUT just in case any of you were wondering, I did have my fair share of dates in the past couple months. I got to try Moroccan food, I saw the new Captain American movie, and I even learned how to make homemade croissants (which, by the way, if you are considering this for a date you should know that the process is 7 hours long.)
Oh, also, I did have a small fling before leaving for the summer. Just a small one. In fact, I have even had a post-mission kiss (or two). And all this from a girl who feels like she doesn't even know how to flirt anymore....

I do plan to update you on all that. I really do. Hold me to it.
Just not right now while my brain is shutting off. ;)

The Charmer


Or to fret?

5/19/2014 The Lady 2 Comments

It happened again. Again, I say!

Another friend approached The Counselor regarding his intentions towards me, and once again I found out this information from a source that was neither that friend nor The Counselor. This encounter however, yielded entirely different results. Apparently The Counselor is still interested in me. 

I am simply lost. 

I cannot trust my sources, for they are unreliable. I cannot trust their sources for they are busybodies. I cannot trust The Counselor's answers for I myself would not tell the truth to mere acquaintances. 

But knowing that another person had approached The Counselor regarding me made me quite nauseous. (Or is it nauseated?) I feared that he would assume I had sent these people on my behalf. I felt the need to clarify, and indeed to apologize. 

He in all his cool composure answered: Not a worry. I know you pretty well, and I know that's not you. And I wasn't offended or bothered by it.

Curse him. 

I am nowhere closer to actual knowledge than I was before. And the truth is, this whole Counselor business has been more tiring than it is worth. But somehow it seems that every time I come to the conclusion to let this matter rest, something comes along to stir the pot once more. At least I can safely say that I can ignore it for the summer. I am off to be an EFY counselor for the summer (yes, I have become one of those people) while The Counselor goes off to be an EFY counselor (yes, he too is one of those people) at the opposite end of the country. And I intend to shamelessly flirt my way through the summer with all the men who come my way. 

The Lady

P.S. I'm not sure how present I will be on the blog during the summer months, but I will update when I can. 


No Better Dating Adviser: A Guest Post

5/15/2014 The Charmer 3 Comments

Last but not least, here's our final guest post....at least for now, anyways. La Mademoiselle decided to tackle things from more of a spiritual angle, which OBVIOUSLY my post-mission mind loved. I think that sometimes we forget that we DON'T have to navigate this whole dating thing by ourselves. We have access to all the help we need....so let's use it!

toodles for now,

the charmer

Picky. Yup, that’s definitely a word my mother has used to describe me and my oh-so-thrilling dating life. I bet many of you can relate—it’s kind of what happens when most of your best friends get married in the space of a year. And I’m only twenty-one! But I am a strong believer in doing what my heart tells me is right—and my heart tells me that I'm not being too picky… I’m making good dating choices for myself (and for the future).

You know how dating is supposed to help you figure out what kind of guy you want?
Well… in some ways my dating experience has made me more unsure about what kind of guy I’ll end up with. I’ve dated too many types to understand myself anymore.
But my experiences have made me more sure that I will recognize something eternal when I feel it. Why? Because throughout all of this, I know one thing. Dating kinda sucks —it's confusing— but it is a lot easier when you rely on prayer and the feelings the Spirit gives you. That is the great thing about dating as an LDS young adult -- I don’t have to do it alone. I’m not just walking into dates with a list of characteristics and accomplishments to tick of a list. I walk into dates knowing that I have the Spirit with me -- the spirit of discernment.

Heavenly Father gives us a lot of freedom in choosing who we want to marry. But he gives us a lot of help too. He can help you to understand others… and he can help you understand yourself. My dating life might not be something that my mother understands -- but Heavenly Father sure does. He knows who I can make happy, and who will make me happy. He’s kind of the expert on everything. So I trust him. And I trust that if I’m out of line, I’ll feel it.

If it’s taking longer than you expected don’t give up on asking for his help. Personally, I know what its like to be afraid to graduate from BYU, spouse-less and then have to go back to a way smaller dating pool. But when I pray about it I’m reminded that I’ve felt at peace with all the dating decisions I’ve made in the past. I know I’ll continue feeling that way if I keep listening.
So keep paying attention to those red flags and deal breakers... the ones you've thoughtfully come up with for yourself. But do it with your heart and with the Spirit.

I'm guessing there isn't any better dating adviser than the Holy Ghost.

Keep being you,

La Mademoiselle


Too Picky?: A Guest Post

5/14/2014 The Charmer 1 Comments

Here's another one of our fabulous contest winners....and the author is married!! In my book, that means, "Listen up....she knows what she's talking about!"

The difference, in my opinion, between being too picky and simply waiting for the right person is how hard you actually attempt to get to know a person before shutting down. I wasn’t asked out very often when I was dating, but when I was, it was usually by boys who were not exactly what I had in mind. I remember agonizing after I had gotten off the phone with one of my friends who was asking me out for the third time. I had said no, because I didn’t want to drag anything out or get his hopes up. I was sulking and feeling like a horrible person in my room and my roommate had had enough of it.

“Why are you upset?” she asked.

“I think I might just be too picky! He’s a great guy, but I just don’t like him. Is there something wrong with me? Why don’t I want to date any of the boys that want to date me?”

She thought about this for a second and then asked me something that helped me change my ideas of what being “too picky” was.

“When you went on dates with him, did you honestly try to get to know him? Did you say no because you find him unattractive or because you just aren’t interested?”

That’s when I realized that it’s ok to just not be interested in someone for known or unknown reasons. I was friends with this guy. I had been on two dates with him and even though he wasn’t my ideal, I still tried and gave him a chance and it didn’t work. That’s okay. I think we beat ourselves up for not falling in love with every person that crosses our path, but if that was the way it worked, it would probably take a heck of a lot longer to find someone to marry. If everyone was a viable option, no one would be because it would be so much harder to settle down and give up dating life.

This was the mental list of things I wanted in a future husband when I was dating:
  • 6’3”-6’5” (I’m a tall girl, so I feel no shame in this one)
  • Life of the party
  • Musically talented
  • Good taste in music
  • Good fashion sense
  • Loves animals (especially dogs)
  • Dark hair and/or brown eyes
  • Strong testimony

This is how my husband measures up to that list:
  • 6’ (if we’re being optimistic on a good-posture day)
  • Prefers being with a small group of friends or just me. Hates parties more than anything.
  • Plays the piano
  • Listens to my music with few complaints
  • Wears what I tell him to with few complaints
  • Believes that having animals live in the house with you is unsanitary and will make your house smell bad
  • Light brown hair and blue/green eyes
  • Strong testimony

As you can see, some of my list items are fulfilled, others aren’t. The ones that aren’t, we compromised on (except we still haven’t figured out a way to make him taller…) I am 100% sure that there are some things that he wanted that I don’t have. Actually, I can make a list of the ones I’m aware of:
  • I don’t want to live in Utah
  • I want to have a dog that lives in the house
  • I don’t play the piano
  • I don’t particularly enjoy hiking
  • I’m not as good at saving money as he is
  • I’m pessimistic
  • I watch R-rated movies and listen to music with swear words
  • I’m unorganized

But, he was kind enough to look past the things about me that he didn’t like because we’re best friends and get along well, and most importantly, we love each other. If there are things about a person you don’t like, that’s fine. No one is perfect. But, we have to give people the chance to show us the good in them and allow a possible love to grow. That’s the major difference between being too picky and being decisive. We can’t just write someone off because they’re tone-deaf, or they carry a little extra weight, or they don’t love dogs like you do. If you’ve legitimately considered and spent time with someone, there is nothing wrong with not wanting to date or marry them, but you have to put that time in to begin with.

That said, deal-breakers do exist. Everyone has their own. These are mine:
  • Non-member with no desire to learn about the Church
  • Weak or nonexistent testimony
  • Present addiction (drugs, porn, stealing, alcohol, etc.)
  • Abusive behavior

I’ve used a lot of lists; I apologize. The main point is that everyone deserves a chance. Everyone gets a first date (unless you fear for your safety, I suppose). If there is only one girl or boy in your ward in whom you are interested, everyone else is interested in them, too. Broaden your horizons. Step out of your comfort zone. Get to know people that you’re not instantly attracted to. And if nothing happens, it’s ok. You gave it a chance and that’s what keeps you from being “too picky.”



Only 4 Things: A Guest Post

5/13/2014 The Charmer 3 Comments

I was so excited to open up my inbox a couple days after I announced our little guest blogger contest and see that it was full of posts you had written and decided to share! Seriously, my heart was full to bursting with joy. Granted, we didn't receive quite as many entries as we did for our date contests of the past, but I was still excited to see your creative juices flowing. In fact, I think the excitement even spilled out of me and onto the floor a little bit...

[Okay....so maybe I wasn't quite that excited. Although I DO wish I had something in my life that warranted a reaction like that.]

Anyway, I've chosen 3 posts that particularly spoke to me and that I thought would resonate with you, our lovely readers, as well. Get excited to read them over the next few days!!

The first is by Kylie, and this post can also be found on her blog. Not gonna lie....I definitely found myself nodding along as I read it. Pretty sure if I had to pick only 4 qualifications, they'd be pretty similar. Hmm...maybe I should work on narrowing that list....




I'll be the first person to admit that I'm a picky dater. Not eater--I'll eat almost anything. But when it comes to dating a person, I am not the girl who will date just anyone. However, I also happen to think I"m pretty reasonable about my limitations, and so far they haven't caused me too much grief, so I'm saying that makes me an expert and here I go sharing my maybe-not-so-humble opinion with you all.

Despite the extensive list of traits I wrote for my future husband circa 2005 in my beehive days, I only have 4 real qualifications for a man whom I will date. (Who? Whom? Idk, moving past it.) Though I don't really use the term 'deal-breaker', I suppose you could say that not fitting one of these qualifications would be a deal-breaker for me.  

1. He has to put God before everyone and everything else.
     Yeah, yeah, this is the typical, Mormony qualification for a spouse, right? But before you quit reading so fast, don't. It probably goes unsaid for most of us, but the fact remains--I don't want to marry a man who doesn't value his relationship with God higher than all other relationships. So why would I date that kind of man? Lack of commitment to his testimony is a deal-breaker. Peter Priesthoods, pls apply here, I get off at 9.

2. He has to make me laugh and think I'm funny, too. 
     Ahem, do I think I'm funny? Like, why else would I become a blogger but to grace the world with my hilarity? Well I once dated a guy (and probably would have married him, tbh) who never laughed at any of my jokes. And I never laughed at his either. Why I didn't see that as a red flag from the beginning still confuses me, but looking back, it was a pretty boring relationship. Now, I'm not saying that I'm a queen comedian and everyone should pee their pants with laughter at my jokes, but I sure as heck think my significant other (SO, if you're into abbreviating love and that kind of thing) should be laughing when I pull out my infamous snarky commentary. And I should be laughing at his as well, or else things are gonna get real lame, real fast.

3. He has to be within my same realm of intelligence. 
     Just now realizing that this one makes me sound like a snob, but there's no turning back now #noregrets. Again, I'm not claiming to be a rocket scientist (though my brother is one. so.) but I would say that my ability to hold an intelligent conversation is at least moderate. So if some rando Provo All-Star wants to chat me up at a cookie night with talk of bench reps and summer sales....I'm outie. A guy's gotta be able to give me at least a tiny bit of HP fangirling and a fair discussion of some modern societal issues for me to take an interest in him. Bottom line: Date within a comfortable range of your own IQ score and you'll be able to converse a whole lot easier.

4. Above everything else, there has to be natural chemistry.
     When all is said and done, you have to actually like the person. I've been on plenty of dates with guys who fit the top 3 qualifications and the sad truth was.....I just wasn't feelin' the spark. Or maybe he wasn't feeling it. Or maybe it was mutual. I once went on a few dates with a guy and thought it was all going pretty well until the end of one date when I suddenly realized that we were way better off as friends. I just wasn't attracted to him like that. And before you ask how cute he was, I will assure you that he was a dang good looking young man. I had thought that from the beginning. The feelings just weren't there for me. And if the feelings aren't there, the relationship shouldn't be there either.

Bam, boom, bang, there it is. I'm obviously not a pro (currently in sweats on my childhood bed in my parents' house, so eat that one up, interwebz!) but I feel pretty good about the qualifications I've made for my future hubsalicious. (If you read that word with less than a metric ton of irony....stahp.) All in all, in summation, to conclude, etc, I say this: Be reasonably picky. It's okay to be picky! Why would you ever want to spend eternity with someone who was just a so-so fit for you? But keep your qualifications in a partner to a reasonable amount. And then keep your partner to those qualifications. We'll all find them eventually, I promise. 



What are YOUR Dealbreakers? Be a Guest Blogger on The Anti-Austen!

5/06/2014 The Charmer 1 Comments

I realize I'm posting a lot recently, but it's primarily because I'm leaving in 3 weeks to be an EFY counselor and I know I won't be doing a lot of posting while I'm chasing around teenagers. And besides, being done with school AND a recently returned missionary currently living at home, I don't have a ton of real responsibility or term papers to take up all of my spare time.

I was thinking a lot about some of the responses to my last post, especially those who asked about how picky we should be in selecting our future spouses.
If you didn't read the comments, here's how the conversation went:

Sarah was giving some advice to how to overcome the marriage fears...

I left my heart and mind open to the possibility without over thinking it or thinking about it too little (if that makes sense). I knew what I wanted in a guy but left myself open to the fact that no one would be prince charming. After all, I was utterly imperfect, so a perfect guy would just make me feel lame. No bueno.

As for my two cents on the stereotypical non married slash having a hard time getting married single person... Well often they're too picky (you aren't perfect so don't expect someone else to be).

An anonymous yet thoughtful reader commented back...

I have a question. I often hear about how we shouldn't be picky like Sarah mentioned above. I know that I can't expect some perfect guy to come out of nowhere and sweep me off my feet, but I am wondering what I should/shouldn't be picky about... I mean, I don't think I have unrealistic expectations, but then again, doesn't everyone? What types of things should I be willing to compromise and what types of things should be deal breakers? I know that a lot of it is based on personal preference, but I just want to know how I can be realistic with my expectations.

MaleMormonMind mentioned that he knows quite a few certifiably incredible, yet unmarried guys and attributes their single status to the fact that "They are super picky. If you are that driven and successful, you are not going to settle just for anyone. They all want and expect very attractive, smart, spiritual, interesting girls."

As I pondered these comments, I realized

a) I am not sure I am qualified to write a post on the subject of pickiness because I think I may be one of those overly picky ones [at one point in time, bullet point #36 on my "ideal husband" list was that he needed to be able to dance the foxtrot. don't worry, it has since been crossed out]
b) This meant an EXCELLENT opportunity for a guest post.

So, here's my proposal.

I want to hear it from you...what's the balance between being too picky and holding out for the guy or gal of your dreams? What sort of qualities do you think should be taken into consideration? What are acceptable dealbreakers? Write us a post and either email me at xoxo.the.charmer[at]gmail.com or share a link to your post in the comments. The post that I think is wittiest and/or most helpful will get featured on the blog. [And who knows, I may choose 2 or 3 to feature if I can't make up my mind] Be creative! Share a story, share your own personal "perfect spouse" list, whatever you think best addresses the topic.
****Please send in your posts by Sunday, May 10. *****

Need some inspiration?

ALSO, wouldn't you know it, apparently the idea of writing about dealbreakers has been floating around the cosmos and has been infiltrating the minds of dating bloggers everywhere. I began formulating the idea for this post over the weekend and BAM!, on Monday morning I stumbled upon a post by Zack Oates on this exact topic. It's definitely worth a read. In fact, if he hadn't already posted it on his own blog, it would have made a fabulous entry for our guest posting contest. ;)

I'm excited to hear what you come up with!
The Charmer


Not to fret.

5/03/2014 The Lady 1 Comments

Things don't change much between junior high and young single adulthood. You think all would be vastly different, but it is all very much the same. Just fewer zits and less time to do your hair. 

What I mean by all of this is, that a guy friend of mine decided to take The Counselor ordeal into his own hands. Without my knowledge. Apparently, this guy friend did not appreciate that The Counselor was "leading me on" by continually talking to me, but never doing anything about it. I would also venture to guess that he was also incredibly curious (like every other young single adult in the immediate area) to know whether The Counselor and I were ever going to date. And I heard about all of this from a friend who had talked to that friend who had talked to The Counselor. 

And according to that friend, according to the other friend, according to The Counselor, the answer is "probably not." Probably not. And this is third-hand information. 

First things first, who do these people think they are? How could they think it was a good idea to find out The Counselor's intentions for me? This friend is neither my father nor one of my brothers nor a close friend at that. The Counselor's intentions are none of his business. Not his business to question or to divulge to others. 

I would be lying if I did not admit to being somewhat disappointed in the actual news. But the semester is almost over, and I won't have to think of it this summer. Now would be a perfect time for an oh-woe-is-me post, but I am too tired at this point in the semester to truly care. The Counselor is not the last man on Earth, not the last man who will catch my eye, not the last man I will flirt with, not the last man I will kind-of-sort-of-want-to-date. 

But I am looking for a last. 

The Lady


Three Reasons Why We're Ringless

5/02/2014 The Charmer 10 Comments

I mentioned in my last post that I've been wondering why so many incredible people don't seem to be making the transition from single to spouse. (I'm still curious to hear your opinions on the matter, so please comment away and let your thoughts be heard!) I've narrowed it down to three things, which, in my opinion, seem to be the main culprits of ringless ring fingers.
1. Fear
For many single people, the thought of marriage is a scary one. I will be the first to admit that I am a gamophobe. If I had to pin down my top 3 fears, I'd say they are getting into a car accident, getting mugged, and getting married. Some of you may laugh at me. It's fine; I can take it. I know it may sound ridiculous, but there are just so many things about marriage that freak me out. It makes me nervous to think about choosing ONE person that I am going to be with forever. It makes me nervous to think about having children and raising a family, especially given my severe lack of domestic traits. I could go on, but I think you get the picture. For me and for a lot of other unmarried folk, it is just so much more comfortable to stay single. Being single is less threatening. We know how to be single. We don't know (or don't think we know) how to be married. Granted, I know these are all just excuses, and from a spiritual perspective we need to recognize that the gospel of Jesus Christ is not and has NEVER been about being "comfortable" or complacent. But still; it doesn't mean these fears just go away. For those of you who WERE terrified of tying the knot but ARE married, what are some things that helped you?
Runaway bride, anyone?
2. Not interested
Recently I've met more and more young single adults that just aren't interested in getting married. I actually went on a date last night with a guy who is 29 and is pretty content where he's at. I guess I need to give him some credit because he is going on dates and such, but his attitude was really more of "it'll happen when it happens." He told me that he's happy with how his life is right now and he figures he's still got a few years of singledom ahead of him. I don't want it to sound like I am passing judgment on him; to be honest, I kind of feel the same way. The idea of staying single for a few more years is an appealing one, especially because there are so many things that I think I want to do with my life! However, at the same time, we need to analyze what our priorities are. If one of our top priorities in life is to get married and raise a family, isn't that something we should probably be pursuing? It's true that not everyone is ready to get married when they're in the 22-25 range. But I think that purposefully putting it off too long can be a bad idea. I know that for me, at least, the longer I am by myself and the more "single" habits I develop, the harder it will be to eventually settle down and share my life with someone else.
Now some of you might be saying, Okay, Miss Charmer, are you saying that because I'm 27 and not married it's MY FAULT?! No, I assure you that I am not. This brings me to what I think is the most common reason that so many of us are still hanging out in YSA wards....
3. Not meeting "the one"
What it really seems to come down to is that we are just not meeting our Mr. or Ms. Right. So our problem appears to be FINDING that person. Think of all the online dating websites (and nowadays, dating apps) that have been created to remedy this problem; I'm sure more than a few of you have dabbled on Tinder and some of you have probably tried other sites like eHarmony or LDSSingles.com. The only reason these sites exist is because FINDING a mate has become a universal problem! There are literally HUNDREDS of reasons why someone may struggle to find a companion. Location is a HUGE factor; my best friend who lives in Cambodia has a lot harder time finding eligible single men than my friends who live in Provo. Personal preference is another factor; let's be honest, some of us are just plain picky.
But what I want to focus on is something I've observed a lot both at BYU and here in my current singles ward that I think contributes because I think it might be something we can actually change.

As a society, we are forgetting how to spend one-on-one time truly getting to know a person.
And, if you don't feel like you really know someone...why on earth would you decide to marry them?
A lot of us spend so much time on social media and on our phones having conversations consisting mainly of hashtags and emoticons that our time spent in real face-to-face conversations diminishes. I am guilty of having friends that I've talked to more via Facebook than in real life...and these weren't friends that lived across the country, either.
I also feel like often when we do have face-to-face conversations, they center around very surface-level subjects. How's work, don't you love this weather, have you seen the new captain america movie? I don't think there's anything wrong with small talk, but what I DO think is sad is how many conversations I've had with the same people that never progressed beyond small talk. That means that even though I may have talked to this person multiple times, we've NEVER talked about anything real. (Yes, I am guilty of this, too.) Why do we do this? Are we afraid of offending people, so we avoid subjects that may trigger a deeper-level response? Are we ourselves afraid of opening up and letting others peer into our deeper thoughts? These are all rhetorical questions, but I think they are ones that are worth thinking about.
The last thing I want to discuss is another phenomenon that in my opinion, makes it hard to truly get to know a person: hanging out. Now, before you freak out, know that I love hanging out with people. I love movie nights and karaoke parties. I think spending time in groups is fabulous. BUT I also recognize that it can often limit our ability to have these deeper-level conversations with people.
For example: The members of my current ward hang out all the time. They literally have movie nights every other night. Dating....eh, not so much. I've been to a few of these movie nights (as many as my sleep schedule will allow!) and even though I usually have a good time, I'm sad to say that I don't really know a whole lot about the people in the group. Sure, I know where they work and who served missions and who is most likely to crack jokes during the movie. But I don't feel like I know any of them that well. Group settings are a lot of fun, but when you only spend time with others in groups, it's hard to get to know them well enough to want to date, much less marry, them.
This must be why, when Elder Oaks came to my mission, he told us missionaries that we'd better not come home and just "hang out." Talking about RMs who do this, he said, "Doggone it, they come home and don't get married! They do this thing called 'hanging out.' And although it may not be a sin, it is close to it!"

Well, there's my 2 cents. Looks like I'd better start working on my conversation skills. What do you think?

The Charmer