How do you feel about...? (and I need an answer here quick folks!)

10/31/2012 The Romantic 9 Comments

SO, just to give a little bit more info about last Friday night:

Dante (thus shall my ward date night companion be called) and I had a great time on Friday. Or so I thought. He walked me home from the date, came inside to see my cute little apartment. He even gave me a hug goodbye. As per usual, I said something a little awkward at the door step.... But overall I give myself a 7.5 on the dating scale. It was a pretty good date.

But then he didn't talk to me at church on Sunday. Or come to my Sunday School lesson. But, I'm trying to to give into my female sensibilities and read into this too much.

Anywho, owing to the lack of male companionship in my current social life, a friend and I have decided to take things into our own hands!

That is right, we have decided to ask some guys out this weekend for a little double date.

Alright readers. Give it to me. How do you feel about girl's asking guys out? 

But the more important question might be, who do I ask? My FHE dad (who would probably really like the activity we're planning) or Dante (who I might have a more enjoyable time with)....

Decisions, decisions.

(Also I should mention that I don't have either of their phone numbers. And my friend is following up with me later tonight to make sure I don't chicken out)

-the Romantic

Just as long as I don't resort to this, we're good right? 


Ward Date Night: Take 2

10/27/2012 The Romantic 1 Comments

I'm sure my last post about ward date night left you all in the throes of anticipation. However, much to my disappointment, moments after I posted, ward date night was postponed. And I was left without Friday night plans after having been so excited all week.

The next Friday afternoon, just as I was settling in for a lovely nap, I got a call from my an old room mate. Her younger sister's place of work was holding a date night on campus, and would I be interested in asking someone last minute and attending with her and her date? I replied in the affirmative, but that I didn't know anyone to ask. Our ward is still without a ward directory, so I couldn't even ask my FHE dad. A few scrambled calls were made, and I was set up by my friend's date(a guy I've been dear friends with for years) with a boy from one of my old wards that is notorious for giving a thumb's up (with both hands) every five minutes. I don't know what made me more disappointed: my guy friend's choice, or how snobby I felt at being disappointed in my guy friend's choice. Mr. Thumb's UP isn't quite Mr. Collins, but he's no Captain Wentworth either...

I was determined to keep the date under two hours. 

Gladly, the date wasn't as horrible as I imagined it would be. But it did end in less than two hours. For which I was grateful.

Which brings me to last night: ward date night take 2. Even though I had been looking excitedly forward to ward date night all last week, something inside me absolutely detested the idea this week. I don't know if it's post-mission anxiety attacks about being alone with a guy, or if I'm just lazy and the effort of engaging anyone in conversation for any amount of time just seems absolutely exhausting. But dutifully, I got ready; even going so far as to spritz myself with a little perfume (Dark Kiss by Bath&Body Works, thanks for asking).

The activity was a bonfire and pumpkin carving. And the mandate from the ward date night committee was for every guy to bring a tie to put into a bag where the girls would then draw a tie, and then viola! Everyone is paired off for the night.

As the bag was brought to me, I felt a rush of dread. I did not want to be there. I was tired. My heart's truest desire was to snuggle up in my warm bed and watch the newest episode of Grey's.

The tie I picked was a good looking tie, as far as ties go. I stared at it for a few seconds, and then this boy called over, "Oh, that's mine."

Great. It was this jock from my ward. My stomach fell. What in the world was I going to talk about with this guy for the next hour? If we could even make it that long... 

When will I learn not to judge a book by it's cover?

The conversation was rough at first. But it finally took stride when we began to talk about wrestling (he wrestled in high school, I followed my older brother around as he wrestled and I was the team's statistician). And then we talked about how he'd lived in Australia for a few years, and his mission to London. We talked about my mission to Korea, and early Mormon history (what I research for my job).

Then we talked about art. And the opera. And the class he's taking on Dante. The class he's taking just for fun because even though he's an engineering major he still really likes literature and poetry.

Between asking him about the V&A, and my describing the first time I saw the Pieta in St. Peter's, I became a little enamored. I couldn't even bring myself to tell him about the little bit of marshmallow that was stuck on his upper lip from the s'mores we'd just ate because it was a little adorable.

As people began drifting off from date night, he mentioned he still needed to drive up to Salt Lake.

"But can I walk you home?"

So, he walked me home.

To be continued....
-the Romantic


Back to life, back to reality

10/25/2012 The Closer 1 Comments

Oh, well, hello readers. If my text-based-voice sounds soothed and refreshed, that would be due to my recent completion of a two week long European vacation with Rex and company. And I am pleased to report that my fears were not realized, I am stronger than I previously supposed, and did not enjoy anything but friendship with Rex over those two weeks. Let's go ahead and take a moment to give me a gold star. 

*Accepts it graciously.

Europe was incredible, but this is not a travel blog, this is a dating blog! So onward we go.

Before my trip, the last time I posted, I had gone on one date with both The Crooner, and Mr. Manager. I have now gone on two dates with both of them, and have plans for a third date with Mr. Manager this weekend, and a phone full of texts from The Crooner. Oh, and I also have a second date this weekend with Tacoma (yes, he's new). 

There must be something in the water lately because I'm not typically this irresistible to the opposite sex. Even I am jealous of my life, and I'm the one living it.

Alright, so how about if I just tell you more details about one of these gentlemen? I’ll pick Mr. Manager, because he’s the one I am most excited to have more to tell about.

Mr. Manager and I went on our first date, and I wasn’t sure what would come of it. Maybe it was going to be another experience like with Mijo, where he took me out once and then we decided friends was best. Maybe he likes me a little, maybe a lot. I didn’t know, and was asking myself lots of these questions. I decided that I would say yes to a second date if he asked, and that was that.

Then he did ask, for that very next weekend. (I will also add that Mr. Manager is notoriously terrible at diligent pursuit of a lady, so this was a noteworthy time frame).

Date number two was not quite as great as the first. I found myself mid-date thinking “This is just okay…”, but by the end of the date on our drive home we had fallen into great conversation and I remember then thinking to myself “I don’t want this drive to end.”

That was a Friday. That following Sunday I saw him at a small ward get together, and we talked for two hours there. The next night I had asked him for a blessing before I left on my trip, and he came over for that, and we talked for three hours before he left. The next night we were supposed to go with a small group to the temple, and everyone cancelled but he and I. We lingered longer there in the temple for an extra hour or so.

You would think by this time I would be beside myself with giddiness. Well, that’s what I would expect of myself. I don’t feel any of those rollercoaster feelings that I have with other men I have dated as of late. I feel calm, and happy, and very even. Every now and then I still get little jolts of excitement that force a smile onto my face. It is lovely. I feel healthy, and if things ended today I would be fine, and if things continued tomorrow I would be happy.

I have been home from Europe for a week now, and he wasn't exactly beating the door down to see me when I got back. Mr. Manager still has a thing or two to learn about how wooing a woman will not always mesh perfectly with schedule and practicality.

As of right now, nothing has been verbalized in the arena of what we will call “feelings” between us. Should I venture to explore a conversation like that? Or is that better left to occur in a way that has not been forced?

Yours Truly, 

The Closer


The Gaze

10/21/2012 The Romantic 3 Comments

The beautiful thing about an anonymous secret blog  is that I can vent my emotions to the public at large, and yet no one knows it's me. I can skip the awkward facebook status update that I know I'll regret in the morning and just release my woes here. And no one that really knows me will ever be the wiser.

Today I feel resigned to spinsterhood. I feel resigned to the fact that I will be the maiden aunt. Today I feel as though I'm Miss Bates personified: awkward, bumbling, the forever third wheel, and not quite socially aware as I should be.

I suppose my feelings today are due to a combination of different things, but mostly it boils down to an old relationship I was thinking about. There was a person I met awhile ago.  I told him once that he was the best friend I ever had at that point in my life. Our relationship has been so personal and sacred to me, I've never even mentioned it here... We were close. Maybe too close. He had a girl friend you see, and I was preparing to preach the gospel to the people of Korea.

We had conversations that I will never forget. Conversations that opened my eyes and taught me how to be a better person. We laughed together, and we cried together. We ran the whole spectrum of emotions together in a few short weeks. Though we've barely spoken since my homecoming and his nuptials, I will treasure that relationship just as much, if not more than any of the men I ever dated. And the reason for that can be summed up in this story:

I was very sick one night and he came to visit me even though it was late and in the middle of mid-terms. He asked me questions about myself. I can't remember what story I told him, but I remember telling him what kind of person I wanted to be. And I remember distinctly the look in his eyes. It was so familiar and not at the same time. It was love, but not the romantic kind. It was concern mixed with compassion. It was a deep look right into my soul. It wasn't the last time he'd give me that look. Simply put, he looked at me like I was worth something. I've kept a mental picture of each look he's ever given me, locked away in memory; seldom remembered, but deeply treasured.

As I sat on the couch tonight at ward prayer, it suddenly hit me: He was the last man that ever looked at me that way, like I was worth something. I watched the guys and girls in my ward pal around tonight and I felt so completely apart from it all. My heart ached for those moments when that man would look at me. All the secret side glances, the quick moments of eye contact from across rooms, the deep soul searching gazes that we used to exchange in those few short weeks we knew each other before I left were my hope on my mission. They were the hope, that I would serve the Lord with all I had to come back and find a man just as good as he was. But I sat on that couch tonight, apart from it all, craving that male companionship that used to come so easily to me. And I found that hope gone, lost in the secret smiles and side glances exchanged between friendships I'm not involved in.

I'm sure tomorrow I'll feel differently. I'll wake up with hope again. I'll rise with a renewed belief in love and gazes and sidelong glances.

But tonight, I'm going to be Miss Bates.

-the unRomantic


As nobody minds having what is too good for them, [s]he was very steadily earnest in the pursuit of the blessing.

10/20/2012 The Lady 4 Comments

Dear Anti-Austens,

Elder Bednar said once that we shouldn't have a MASSIVE list of things we want in a husband, since some of them don't really matter in the long run. But, he said to have about 5 things that you're looking for and won't compromise. I'm just curious; what would your girls' five things be?


Five things. It's seems like such a small number when living in a world obsessed with quantity. Allow me to omit anything that has to do with our religion. Not because it isn't important, but because it is of vital importance. To me, it is not even a question and I view it as something encompassing a person's character which cannot nor will not change.

The Lady's Man of Uncompromisable Caliber

1. Intelligence
It is impossible for me to imagine my life with someone who cares not one whit about knowledge and education. It is not as though I must have someone with a PhD, my own father never finished his Bachelor's. But perhaps it is my father who instilled this in me. Though an electrician by trade, my father is the most intelligent man I know because of his desire to keep learning. I have never seen him go anywhere without a book in his hand, even to the movies. His continual thirst for knowledge is astounding, it never rests. I want a man like that, one who values his own mind above any other worldly possession or prestige. I imagine our home almost wall to wall with our mountainous collection of books. For me, the love for knowledge and reading is unrivaled by any other characteristic.

2. Forgiveness
Goodness knows I need forgiveness. And every bloomin' day. This marvelous man that I will one day marry will receive as part of my dowry a load of my flaws and mistakes that he will have to forgive even before he says, "I do." And everyday after that he will have to forgive me for my shortcomings, for the words that I say, the bills I forget to pay, my neglect of him in my frantic pursuit to get it all right. He'll have to forgive me more times than I will ever be able to apologize for. But that is the beauty of him. He doesn't keep track of who is ahead of whom in the mistakes versus forgiveness tally. And for his goodness and his patience in having me as a wife, I pray that he receives the best blessings that eternity has to offer. 

3. Humor
At least one of us in the pair must be the life of the party, the one who is quick with a joke (or to light up your smoke [Mr. Billy Joel]). And heaven help us if that is left up to me, a dreary couple we will be indeed. But you see, I dearly love to laugh. (And yes, it is a family trait, Caroline!) I feel that I must have at least one good laugh (preferably many more) a day or I fear I may combust. If a man is intelligent without having a sense of humor, he will be either exceedingly pretentious or incredibly dull, and I cannot live with either. What good is life if you can't laugh? No good, I say, no good. 

4. Listening
Now, my idea of listening is much less like honey-sit-down-while-I-drone-on-about-my-day, but rather more akin to good conversation. I have many wild ideas and often need to hash them out with someone. I need him to take that seriously. No matter how hair-brained or simplistic these ideas may be, I need someone who won't just listen and pat me on the head as though I am a child. I have experienced that with men I have dated and it is infuriating. But there have been others who always listened as though in rapture at what I was saying, as though every word I spoke was gold to them, and then they would talk back. It's one of the things I hold in highest regard about a person, the ability to not only listen but to communicate about everything from the simple to the complex. 

5. Arguing 
This may seem strange to some, and perhaps completely misguided to others, but I do not want a "nice guy." I cannot live with someone who will not ever contradict me or tell me that I am wrong. It makes me feel as though I am a tyrant. Because (as you may have guessed) I am not an incredibly sweet human being and I very rarely treat everyone as they should be treated. I love a good argument, not a fight, but a real good debate. I love someone I can disagree with, it makes me feel as though we're human and that neither one of us feels superior to the other. And if I marry anyone, it is going to be someone so utterly human. 

Those are my five. The most important things I could find in a man. And if I ever come across this man, I am going to have a most difficult time not asking him to marry me then and there. But you know the five will only work if he has green eyes, is 6'3", has a British accent, loves Harry Potter, played football in high school, buys me flowers everyday, makes the cutest babies, is a lawyer and/or doctor, is in line for his rich uncle's inheritance, plays the piano, sings like the Phantom of the Opera, is the Phantom of the Opera, builds me a house in the English countryside, looks like Benedict Cumberbatch, is Benedict Cumberbatch, speaks German, never makes me drive around town or on long trips, lets me name our children after Jane Austen characters and literary figures, dresses impeccably, smashes all the spiders and other bugs, puts up the Christmas lights, does the taxes, has a six-pack, loves old movies, buys me a yorkie puppy or teacup pig (preferably both), has brown curly hair, dances with me in the kitchen, reads to me while I fall asleep, massages my hands, lets me always buy new shoes, is the best kisser, doesn't get made when I take long showers, always does the laundry, proposes to me on a hot air balloon, buys me a grand engagement ring, always wears a three-piece suit, takes me to the movies every weekend, played basketball in high school, always wants to have Christmas with my family instead of his, loves watching Jane Austen movies with me, etc. 

It's not too much to ask. 

Con Amor,
The Lady  


Ward Date Night

10/18/2012 The Romantic 1 Comments

If anticipation could kill a person, I'd probably be dead by now. Tomorrow is our first big ward date night. And our little date night committee has supposedly been working on pairing people up all week. But we have yet to find out who are dates will be.

And it is just killing me. I think I mentioned what my hopes were in my last post. Somehow I made the mistake of letting it slip to my visiting teachers earlier this week that I thought my FHE dad was cute. It seems I can't even be relied with my own secrets. I feel like such a Beehive these days, or maybe a Mia Maid if I'm going to be a little lenient with myself.

But I digress. My visiting teachers said they would try and get me "the hook-up" as they have connections on the ward dating committee. So maybe my hopes will bear fruit tomorrow night.

We'll see.

-the Romantic


"What is right to be done cannot be done too soon"

10/16/2012 The Blue Stocking 0 Comments

On this blog we are often sharing experiences about being asked out by awkward fellows. This is indeed an unfortunate occurrence, but what’s worse is being asked out by decent guys you really like, but you don’t want to date.
This semester my apartment has formed a relationship with our neighboring apartment and we are spending a lot of time with them. Now, I enjoy being around all of the guys, but I would never date them.
Don’t ask me why. I don’t know why. I just know I wouldn’t date them
Well one of the gents has started to show interest in me and I’m not quite sure how to handle this. I don’t want to ruin the group friendship, but I really don’t want the drama of going on a date just to say no to a second. Also, there’s still the TA in the picture. And even though the TA and I are by no means serious, I still don’t want to be splitting my attention.
I’ve started avoiding this new gent, but that’s hard to do when our apartments are always doing stuff with each other. And even when I don’t show up to the festivities, he texts me wondering where I am.
I feel like we are in the beginning of like. A place where like can be crushed and a friendship can be salvaged with no real damage. I just need to go about this in a delicate fashion.
Oh, who am I kidding, I’m going to mess this up aren’t I?
Why couldn’t he just be repugnant? It would make this so much easier.
Wish me luck!
-          The Bluestocking


Half agony, half hope.

10/14/2012 The Lady 2 Comments

Hello ladies,
The week before school started, I met a boy (Mr. Perfect) who lives across the hall from me. He is cute, funny, motivated, and a recently returned missionary. I felt chemistry between us, so I actively started pursuing him. 

When he came up to school, he wasn't looking for a girlfriend. He just wanted to date around since he had barely returned. I worked pretty hard to convince him otherwise. Our rooms became good friends and we started doing a lot together. Then we hit the wonderful landmarks of holding hands and (gasp) kissing. We were couple-like in public and everyone knew we were together. The only thing that we were missing were the "girlfriend" and "boyfriend" titles. I knew that because of his state of mind coming up here, I was going to wait for him to decide to make that happen.

Two days ago, he took me on a drive. I pretty much knew what was coming, and I was ready to accept his request. All was going well when we pulled into a 7-11.

*side story*

Last year I had my first real boyfriend/love. We had a tradition of always going to 7-11's and getting hot chocolate. Once he broke up with me, I struggled with going there because it held such strong memories. I'm pretty over that, but I hadn't gone to get hot chocolate there since. 

*end of side story*
Mr. Perfect pulled into a 7-11 and said, "Lets get some hot chocolate!" Suddenly I had tunnel vision, and I couldn't think clearly. Our date became a replay of dates I had with my ex, and I was in shock. We continued to drive, and he almost immediately brought up how he didn't feel the need to wait anymore to make me his girlfriend. I was still in a daze from the smell of the chocolate, and I couldn't think straight. Instead of reacting like I should have: "Ohmygosh! I feel the same way! Make me yours!", I sat pretty quietly and simply smiled at him. We preceded to have a really weird conversation where I basically voiced any doubts I have ever had in my life, and the only thing I said concerning him was "I want to date you."

When we got back, I went into my apartment and cried. I had been hit by a billion memories at once and I knew I was going to pay the price. I knew he was confused, and I just prayed that when I got to talk to him the next day, that I could fix it. I hoped he would understand what had happened.

The next day (aka yesterday), my world came crashing down. I came back to class and noticed that he was acting strangely, so I asked him to talk. I explained that last night I had freaked out over something that had nothing to do with him. I apologized and told him that I am sure about what I want with him. I said that I know he must be so confused, and that I wish I could take back whatever weirdness happened the night before.
He said that he was 100% sure about making me his girlfriend that night, but that my reaction really confused him and now he needs time. He said now we can be "really good friends" and that he does think it is possible for us to reach relationship-dom again. Nevertheless, he made sure to say that it is easier to lose trust then to gain it. He also said that he gets to hold my hand first.

I agreed with these terms and expressed how grateful I am for him in my life. I also told him how I feel about him. We hung out that night, and he still made an effort to be by me. He still mentioned meeting parts of his family, and he suggested things that we should do. He also touched my leg and let me lean on him. This gave me hope, but I am still so scared about the future.

My heart was broken, and I have rarely been this angry with myself. I can't believe that one random mood swing could put us so far back. Now that I have half lost him, I realize how much I need him. I am so scared that he will now look to find someone else.

Do you think that it is possible to go backtrack in a relationship then move forward again? Do you think this is fixable? Have you ever had a similar experience? What can I do to regain his trust and win him back? I really need your help.

A fellow player in the game of love,
Anguished Aggie


Dear Aggie,
In response to your questions, "Yes." This is fixable and I have had similar experiences. 

But first of all, allow me a titch of clarification. 

Whenever we receive emails like this begging for our help, and especially when I have the opportunity to respond to them, I tend to ask myself, "Why? Why do these girls (and some men) think that we have any idea as to what we're doing?" If any of the Anti-Austens were dating experts, we would all be married, and probably have started a business because we've finally discovered "the secret." But I've come to discover that there is no secret, and there are no rules in the game of love. 

Perhaps I only speak for myself, but I find it quite pointless to accept advice from others about love, particularly if they do not know you. You are the only one who knows your own heart and your own personality and your own intuition, so do not undermine that. It, more than anything I could say, will help you to know what you should do. Whenever I have accepted the advice of others in my own love life, it has tended to be the exact opposite of what I felt I should do. I am easily persuaded and therefore have gotten into all sorts of trouble because I chose to act on others' expectations rather than on my own desires. 

My own dear friend, Miss Smith, is particularly helpful. Whenever I ask her advice, she will give me her opinion and then ask me, "What do you want to do? Or what do you feel you should do?" It is the best advice I have ever received, and it always leads to the best outcomes. 

Now that I have thoroughly undermined my own authority, allow me to cut to the chase. 

I view your situation as a minor blip on the way to a relationship. Often, those prove to be helpful because it allows you the clarification you need in order to know what it is you want. Now all that remains is for you to be completely honest with Mr. Perfect. Tell him how you feel and tell him why you freaked out. 

Also, I think it would be helpful for you to face your own heartbreak. Don't let it plague you. If you do, you'll have to move out of state every time you break up with a guy because the memories of the hot chocolate or the movies or the park or the frozen yogurt place will just be too much for you. I know it's hard, but you can't let it rule your life. For the longest time I couldn't drive past the taco shop where Dex and I used to go or watch Pride and Prejudice because it was his favorite movie, but I had to face the fact that I loved those tacos and Pride and Prejudice, and no mere memory was going to completely disable me. (Kind of strange how important tacos can be in a girl's life).

But no matter what, do what you want to do and what you feel is right to be done. That is the only dating secret I have, and it's the only one that has brought me any sort of results. 

Con Amor, 
The Lady

P.S. Please do not think that I was
discouraging your emails to us. As
useless as our advice may be, we 
thoroughly enjoy the challenge and 
the entertainment. 


Lessons in the Art of Coquettery

10/11/2012 The Romantic 1 Comments

Due to the lack of men in my life right now, I was planning to do a series of fall date ideas. But after two ideas, I've run out of steam.

After the Mr. Lowe debacle, there's been nothing of consequence to write about. Not only do the graces of providence seem to be withholding romantic relationships from my life these days, but any relationships with any men at all seem utterly and completely absent. And just when I seem to be getting over my post-mission awkward stage as well... a pity indeed.

Much to the surprise of my friends, my interest has been piqued by my FHE dad. He's not really the artisty/hipster I've been known to go for in the past. He's also not the super cool Asian that seems to be my type these days either. He's a nerdy, motorcycle riding, engineer studying, skinny white kid.  And while I've told my friends that I'm only intrigued by him as of yet, they've insisted on giving me advice in order to woo him.

"Invite him over!" "Ask for a ride on his motorcycle!" and my favorite "Just go over to his house and sit on his couch!" Because that wouldn't be weird.

So far, I've added him on facebook. My mind has been too wrapped up in midterms for any other advances.

Secretly I hope that the ward dating committee will set us up for the ward date night in a couple weeks. (I just need to mention here how I excited I am that this is an actual calling in my ward and how if I wasn't already a sunday school teacher, that would be my dream calling) Maybe I can put a plug in with the ward date night specialist?

Good luck with midterms dear readers. I'll be thinking of you in the testing center lines.

-the Romantic
There's just something about a man and a motorbike... or vespa if you want to get technical.


Settling Down

10/08/2012 The Blue Stocking 1 Comments

For the most part I’m a pretty happy single person, but every once in a while I have this weird desire to just “settle down” 50’s style with a string of pearls and a set of heels. I just think it would be real swell.

Also, this video is awesome. Enjoy.

-The Bluestocking


Fall Date Ideas Part II

10/04/2012 The Romantic 3 Comments

Itching to get out of Provo yet?

I have the perfect fall date idea for you!

A couple of weeks ago, I went to Salt Lake to celebrate my birthday with some friends. And we stumbled across a little exhibit in the Church History Museum where I would love to be taken on a date.

So, it's an exhibit for children... I think that made it more fun in the end.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention the best part. It's FREE.

Have fun kids.

-the Romantic 


“If I could but know his height, everything would become easy”

10/01/2012 The Blue Stocking 2 Comments

Dear Readers,

A lot has happened.


The truth is that life has been lackadaisical in the most delightful way possible. The TA and I have entered into the we-might-like-each-other-so-we-hang-out stage and everything else has just been pure fun.

Now on to a dilemma of not so epic proportions

Have you ever met someone while sitting and fallen head over heels in like with him just to find out you tower over him?

Let me explain.

A year ago I was at a game night with friends and there was a new guy. Said new guy was amazing and in between signs and mafia we planned a date. I thought it was sheer perfection, until he stood up. He was three inches shorter than me. Three. I think you could see the disappointment in both of our eyes.

Needless to say, we never went out. It was mutual.

Well, I don’t always learn from my mistakes, but this is one that has taught me to at least try and gauge height during introductions. So last weekend I was in a similar situation at a bonfire. While sitting on a log a guy came up and sat in the chair next to me. For the next 20 minutes we somehow managed to have a conversation that did not involve our majors. How original.

But those 20 minutes were by no means relaxing. Amid the witty chits and chats I was mentally measure him. For instance I had to consider the following things:
  • How does the log chair relationship factor in? It gives him at least 4 inches so I need to include that in my calculations.
  • He has a long torso, but I have long legs. Is his extra torso length long enough to compensate for my long legs?
  • He has long arms? What exactly does that mean!

So I measured him… for 20 minutes. The real kicker is I ended up leaving early while he remained sitting. I still don’t know the height of mystery man, but I’m wondering if you guys have any solution to this shallow predicament.

Yes, I realize this is trivial and silly and love is blind and stuff. But even if I were blind, I would love the option of tilting my head up instead of picking up my fellow for a kiss.

-The Bluestocking